Mokkink Wieneke : How to select an outcome measurement instrument: the COSMIN methodologySpeaker : Dr Wieneke Mokkink - Dept. of Epidemiology and Data Science, Amsterdam UMC
Summary : In very many cases, to measure a specific outcome many different outcome measurement instruments are available. Selecting the most suitable measurement instrument is a challenging task. Within the COSMIN initiative, we develop tools to enable professionals to conduct this selection process in a systematic and transparent way.
In this talk she will talk about the questions ‘Which instruments are available to measure what I want to measure?’, and ‘Which one should I choose?’, and show which COSMIN tools are of use. She will touch upon the development process and on some of the quality aspects of measurement instruments
Biography : Dr. Wieneke Mokkink is epidemiologist by background and her focus of research is on clinimetrics; it is her aim to develop user-friendly tools to help researchers and clinicians by the selection of health measurement instruments. She is one of the founders of the COSMIN initiative.
With a personal research grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) she recently extended the COSMIN methodology to facilitate systematic reviews on measurement instruments other than PROMs, including clinician reported outcomes and performance-based tests. In addition, Wieneke is working on making reliability theory more accessible to non-statisticians, and is involved in studies on the development and evaluation of PROMs, in systematic reviews on the quality of outcome measurement instruments, and in Delphi studies.
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