Sébastien ARGAUD
Degrees ‣ Physiotherapy degree, 2005 (IFMK Lyon) ‣ Master Degree, Sciences, Technology and Health, 2005-2007 (Université de Lyon, CRIS) ‣ Osteopath degree, 2006-2012, Lyon ‣ Expert 2.0 in the prevention of running injuries, Québec, 2017 ‣ Medical Hypnosis and Analgesia certification, 2016-2018, Toulouse ‣ Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner, 2017-2019, Montpellier ‣ Thesis (2008-2010, 2019-dec 2021), UFR STAPS (LIBM) Experience ‣ Clinical practitioner : monitoring, supervision and care of athletes ‣ Teaching DU in sports physiotherapy, Université de Lyon, 2016-2018 ‣ Teaching in continuous learning for health professionals (DPC), 2007-2020. ‣ Head teacher of the "Functional anatomy and pathologies of sports" module, EOPS Master, UFR STAPS, Université de Lyon, 2007 to present. Fields of expertise: Rehabilitation of motor skills in the elderly; Management and treatment of chronic pain
Sébastien Argaud (sebastien.argaud @ univ-lyon1.fr) Nationality: French Institution Université Claude Bernard (Lyon 1) Team: [SPIP] Position: PhD student
Title: Biomechanical analysis of an explosive movement in seniors: a comparative study applied to vertical jumping (Summary) Supervisor: Karine Monteil Co-supervisor: Christophe Hautier Start: 10/2008 (with interuption) End expected: 12/2021
♦ Argaud, S., Pairot de Fontenay, B., Blache, Y., & Monteil, K. (2010, 23 septembre). Vieillissement et coordinations inter-articulaires : Effets de l’activité quotidienne chez les seniors autonomes [communication orale]. 1er congrès national de l’Association Française pour la Recherche et l'évaluation en Kinésithérapie, Paris, France. ♦ Argaud, S., Pairot de Fontenay, B., Blache, Y., & Monteil, K. (2011, 4-5 février). Effets du vieillissement sur la réalisation d’un mouvement dynamique : performance et adaptations motrices [communication par affiche]. 3rd Annual Congress of French-speaking physiotherapists, Marseille, France. ♦ Argaud, S., Pairot de Fontenay, B., Blache, Y., & Monteil, K. (2011, 3-7 juillet). Influence of ageing on performance during dynamic movement: comparison of young and elderly subjects [communication orale]. 23rd edition of the Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Brussels, Belgium. ♦Argaud, S., Pairot de Fontenay, B., Blache, Y., & Monteil, K. (2020, 26-28 octobre). Le vieillissement entraîne-t-il une réorganisation mécanique articulaire lors du saut vertical? [communication par affiche et flash talk]. 45ème congrès de la Société de Biomécanique, Metz, France |